From Bench to Bedside: The Evolution of Tissue Engineered Maxillofacial Reconstruction Part 2 with Dr. Melville
First conceptualized by W.T. Green in the 1970s, the advent of tissue engineering was a significant milestone in the field of medicine and surgery. What started as proof-of-concept studies in preclinical models has transitioned to clinically applicable regenerative strategies for maxillofacial reconstruction in patients. Tissue-engineered bone grafts have made the reconstruction of defects of the oral and maxillofacial region predictable and reliable without the need for harvesting autogenous bone. The “bench” part of this session will introduce and discuss the science regarding bone and nerve repair and regeneration. The “bedside” session will focus on key concepts for the successful clinical application of tissue engineering science to bone and nerve repair. This session will briefly discuss preoperative workup, preparation, and procedural options for patients with tumors, post-resection defects, and traumatic defects.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the fundamental science behind tissue-engineering with a focus on cutting-edge strategies for bone and nerve regeneration
- Review clinical strategies for bone and nerve regeneration to optimize patient outcomes
- Review surgical techniques and the management of complications
Kenneth Hirsch
Very exciting, innovative presentation of ground breaking work
“THANK YOU so much for a GREAT CE course!!!
I applied Dr. Melville’s reconstruction technique (transoral resection of an Ameloblastoma with BMAC and allogenic bone with a recon bar with Ti mesh on an Air Force pilot) back in 2015 and it worked and the pilot is still flying.
Thank you for confirming a technique that was success in my hands 7 years ago!”
-Joseph E. Novak, DDS, MD, USAF Ret