Practical Access to Stem Cells for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Today’s point of care in-situ tissue engineering can reconstruct large continuity defects of the mandible and cystic defects as well as regenerate sufficient bone to place dental implants with ridge augmentation procedures! The components of predictable in-situ tissue engineering have been shown to be cells, a signal, i.e., rhBMP-2/ACS, and a matrix, i.e., cancellous allogeneic bone +/or fibrin, fibronectin, vitronectin. As defects become larger and the tissue bed becomes more compromised with scar, radiation, or poor vascularity, a greater number of osteoprogenitor cells/stem cells is required. Three existing bone marrow harvesters have shown the ability to regenerate bone in jaws to varying degrees. Data on these three systems will be compared as well as outcomes in bone regeneration.
Learning Objectives
- The attendee will learn where the largest number of stem cells and osteoprogenitor cells reside in the donor sites of the tibia, anterior ilium, and posterior ilium
- The attendee will learn of appropriate markers for stem cells as well as the counts in CFU-f’s to look for to assess stem cell yield
- The attendee will be able to assess and know the difference in bone marrow aspiration devices related to a straight needle versus a flexible needle, and the value of aspirate upon removal of the needle or going forward