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Lunch and Learn: Osteo Science Foundation Educational Seminar: Implant Misadventures: Rookie Mistakes, Execution Mishaps and Pearls to Prevent and Treat Complications

Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022
11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. CST

Topic 1: Avoiding Rookie Mistakes when Placing Dental Implants
Tara Aghaloo, DDS, MD, PhD

Synopsis: Although dental implants are generally a successful and predictable treatment option for missing teeth, complications and misadventures occur regularly in the dental community. As general practitioners perform more implant surgeries, oral and maxillofacial surgeons will be taking care of increasingly complex patients who require challenging implant and grafting procedures. As a newly practicing OMS (or current resident), it is imperative that you avoid rookie mistakes that will negatively affect your patient’s treatment and cause difficulties with referrals. You must be able to properly select your implant cases, minimize medical risk factors that can negatively affect healing or implant success, and select and execute proper surgical and prosthetic techniques. For the practicing clinician, focus must be on diagnosing, managing, minimizing and ultimately preventing complications. This presentation will show the OMS resident how to avoid rookie mistakes, reduce errors in implant surgical techniques and provide some pearls of wisdom to bring back to the office following the program.


Topic 2: Have You Heard about Partial Extraction Therapy? Now is the Time!
Richard J. Martin, DDS

Synopsis: In implant dentistry, collapse of the buccopalatal dimension of an extraction socket is a known sequela. Multiple ridge preservation techniques to include bone and soft tissue grafting have been utilized over the years. Although these techniques can be successful, loss of buccal contour is a common finding even after one year in function. Partial extraction therapy (socket shield, pontic shield and root submergence) is a technique aimed at addressing this collapse. The success of the procedure is thanks to the planned retention of a small fragment of buccal root attached to the bone. This root attachment has been shown to maintain the periodontal ligament and blood supply and, as a result, the thin bundle bone. A critical factor in prosthetic rehabilitation is the correct management of the emergence profile and the abutment crown complex. This also is paramount in socket shield. The presentation will familiarize the OMS resident and clinicians with this partial extraction therapy technique and when it is necessary. In addition, attendees will learn how to digitally plan and perform the surgical and critical subgingival prosthetic phase.


Osteo Science Foundation
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Princeton, NJ 08540
855-891-2877 Toll Free

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