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Osteo Science Foundation Education

Date: January 20-22, 2017

Location: Miami, Florida

Description: Osteo Science Foundation hosted its first, independent educational event focused on regenerative aspects of implant dentistry. Featured speakers included Anthony G. Sclar, DMD and Mark W. Ochs, DMD, MD.


Schedule of Events

Schedule of Events

Friday, January 20, 2017

6:00 – 7:30pm Evening reception: “Festival Cubano”
Sponsored by Geistlich Biomaterials

Saturday, January 21, 2017

7:30 – 8:30am Continental Breakfast and Registration
8:00 – 10:00am Dr. Sclar: Protocols for Soft and Hard Tissue Regeneration in Implant Treatment
10:00 – 10:30am Break
10:30 – 12:00pm Dr. Sclar (Continued)
12:00 – 1:00pm Lunch
1:00 – 2:30pm Dr. Ochs: Bone Grafting, Ridge Regeneration: Alternatives For Treatment
2:30 – 3:00pm Break
3:00 – 4:30pm Dr. Ochs (Continued)
4:30 – 5:30pm Q and A

Sunday, January 22, 2017

7:30 – 8:30am Continental Breakfast
8:30 – 10:00am Dr. Ochs: Tissue Regeneration in Challenging Implant Cases
10:00 – 10:30am Break
10:30 – 12:00pm Dr. Sclar: Complications
12:00 – 1:00pm Lunch

Speakers and Presentation Synopsis

Speakers and Presentation Synopsis

Anthony G. Sclar, DMD

State-of-the-Art Implant Esthetics
Protocols for soft and hard tissue regeneration and augmentation

Synopsis, Learning Objectives and Bio


Achieving and maintaining optimal implant esthetics requires knowledge of prognostic keys for success, risk factors for complications and anatomic requirements and biologic interdependency of soft and hard tissues. Participants will learn the scientific and clinical concepts required for diagnostically driven treatment planning and risk stratification of simple-to-complex esthetic implant cases. Strategic sequencing and timing of site development procedures prior to or simultaneous with implant placement and the importance of restorative management of soft tissues will become evident through a series of case presentations of increasing complexity including the management of devastating complications and failures 

Learning Objectives: 

At the completion of this presentation participants should be able to:

  1. List the critical anatomic, biologic and restorative concepts for esthetic implant therapy.
  2. Identify prognostic keys for predictable esthetic implant treatment and risk factors for esthetic complications and failures.
  3. Distinguish between case scenarios amenable to simultaneous implant placement and grafting from those that require pre-implant site development procedures. 
  4. Recognize the importance of restorative management of peri-implant soft tissues.
  5. Understand the principles of managing esthetic implant complications and failures. 

Anthony G. Sclar, DMD

In practice since 1989, Dr. Sclar founded the Sclar Center for Advanced Implant Dentistry Learning which hosts the highly regarded Advanced Implant Dentistry Master’s Series Immersion Courses. He is an adjunct professor at Nova Southeastern University, a reviewer for IJOMI, IJPRD, JOMS, CAP and has published numerous journal articles, book chapters and the hallmark multilanguage textbook; Soft Tissue and Esthetic Considerations in Implant Therapy


Mark W. Ochs, DMD, MD

Bone Grafting, Ridge Regeneration and Challenging Implant Cases
What to anticipate and how to achieve predictable and stable results

Synopsis, Learning Objectives, and Bio


Referrals for dental implant placement often have unrecognized ridge deficiencies, malposed interarch relationships or compromised sites that pose a challenge. Outcome based surgical principles and limitations will be reviewed. Cases requiring bone grafting or ridge regeneration will be presented with a rationale for various techniques. There will be an emphasis on restoration driven surgical planning.  

Learning Objectives:

At the completion of the presentation the attendee will be able to:

  1. Employ sound surgical principles for treatment planning in edentulous and partly dentate patients.
  2. Identify ridges and anatomic situations where bone grafting or regeneration is indicated, then proceed with an appropriate procedure to achieve successful augmentation.
  3. Utilize advanced imaging, various surgical guides and adjunctive measures to accurately place implants in an optimal position for the restoring dental colleague.
  4. Place dental implants in challenging situations that ultimately will benefit the patient’s function. 

Mark W. Ochs, DMD, MD

Professor and Chair
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Director of the Dental Implant Center
University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine

Dr. Ochs attended the University of Pittsburgh for his undergraduate and dental education.  In 1989 he completed his oral and maxillofacial surgery training and obtained his medical degree with honors at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  He is currently Professor and Chair of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Head of Hospital Dentistry, and Associate Dean for Hospital Affairs.

Academic and surgical interests include orthognathic surgery, facial trauma, bone grafting/reconstruction and implants.


Event Photos

Event Photos

Education Symposium 2017





Osteo Science Foundation
475 Wall Street
Princeton, NJ 08540
855-891-2877 Toll Free

Osteo Science Foundation is an independent, privately funded 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. | PRIVACY POLICY


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