Clinical and Regenerative Medicine Research Fellowship
Update: In consideration of global conditions due to COVID-19, the IAOMS Foundation has temporarily closed the application period for the Research Fellowship. All applications previously received will remain in good standing. Once we are able to reopen the application period details will be posted here.
The IAOMS Foundation, with the generous support of Osteo Science Foundation and in partnership with the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Michigan, announces an opportunity for advanced training in Clinical and Regenerative Medicine Research.
This experience, 6-12 months in duration and directed at early career oral and maxillofacial surgery faculty and senior trainees will be supported by a $25,000 USD grant from the Foundation. A matching grant of $25,000 USD from the surgeon’s home institution is required for acceptance into the program. These funds are intended to support the travel, housing and living expenses during the fellowship. By investing in a junior faculty member it is our hope that the home institution will benefit when the faculty member returns with new skills and continues their work, along with the possibility of continued collaboration with North American sites.
This experience is designed to provide the fellow with a broad exposure to both clinical research methods and regenerative medicine lab work. In addition to being involved with ongoing intramural clinical research at the University of Michigan, the candidate would be expected to design a clinical research project in an area of their interest that would lead to publication in a major journal. The curriculum would also include work with a lab currently working in the field of regenerative medicine to enrich the fellow’s experience with basic science and translational research. The experience will be supported by formal didactic training in clinical research methods.
The program will take place at the University of Michigan under the direction of Sean P. Edwards, MD, DDS, Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
The University of Michigan is an Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action employer.
For questions, please contact Marisa Peacock.
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