- Background Information
- Award Recipients
- Current Opportunities
- Purpose of the Award
- Eligibility of the Applicants
- Conditions of the Award
- Application Procedures & Dates
- Selection Criteria
- Apply Now
Background Information
Through research and travel awards, the Foundation continues to recognize the importance of supporting the professional organization of Oral & CranioMaxillofacial Surgeons and especially in investing in the futures of residents. Osteo Science Foundation is proud to have supported over 270 residents to attend AAOMS (American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons) meetings and conferences, as well as other OMS meetings and educational events.
Award Recipients
Since 2013, Osteo Science Foundation has
contributed over $251,000 for residents to attend AAOMS meetings as well as other OMS educational events & meetings.
AAOMS 106th Annual meeting
AAOMS 106th Annual meeting
Jason Chen, DDS Yale
Emad Fard, DDS Cook County Health OMS
Henry Hsu, DMD Yale
Jai K. Mediratta, DDS, MD Mayo Clinic – College of Medicine
Deep Patel, DMDAllegheny General Hospital OMS
Syed A. Raza, DMD Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine
Hazem Shuaeib, DDS Geisinger Medical Center – Dental Department
Peter Wilkinson, DDS Louisiana State University – School of Dentistry
Kian Yaghoubnejad, DDS, MD Case Western Reserve University
Kevin Zhou, DDSMcGill UniversityOsteo Science Foundation 2024 Bone Symposium | February 15-17, 2024, Napa Valley, CA
Osteo Science Foundation 2024 Bone Symposium | February 15-17, 2024, Napa Valley, CA
Kristi Agari, DMD, MD University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Halima Al Haid, DMD University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA
Andrew Bertagna, DMD, MD University of Illinois, Chicago, IL
Miral Gomaa, DMD University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Boyu Ma, DMD, MD University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Mohammed Amir Rais, MD Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Anne Scruggs, DDS, MD Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA
Caris Smith, MD University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Tito Molina, DDS University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Mary Cho, DDS University of Texas, Houston, TX
Maryam Moghaddam, DDS University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Sarah Anne Wong, DDS, PhD University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA105th AAOMS Annual Meeting | September 20-23, 2023
105th AAOMS Annual Meeting | September 20-23, 2023
Corissa Chang, DDS, MD University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Ramtin Dastgir, DDS Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Ross Gemmill, DDS Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Miral Gomaa, DMD University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Praveen Kumar Guntaka, DMD Mount Sinai, New York, NY
Emily Jones, DMD University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Yisi Dasiy Ji, DMD, MD Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Susan Keefe, DDS University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Soo-Keun Sean Kim, DMD, MD Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Jessica Li, DDSNassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY
Alexander Li, DMD University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL
Paula Munoz, DDS Highland Hospital – Alameda Health System, Oakland, CA
Elliot Saleh, DMD, MD Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Knika Sethi, DDS Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, IL
James Vegrzyn, DMD Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LAICOMS 2023 Vancouver | June 8-11, 2023
ICOMS 2023 Vancouver | June 8-11, 2023
This Resident Travel Award was given in honor of in honor of Riitta Seppänen-Kaijansinkko MD, DDS, PhD
Ali Al-Qudsi, DMD Cook County Hospital, Chicago, IL
Joel Rosenfeld, DDS The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY
Benjamin Palla, DMD, MD University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL
Steven Licht, DMD University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL
Marina Morante Silva, MD UF Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Hans Shih, DDS, MD McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec
Tyler W. Mealy, DMD OU Health Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oklahoma City, OK
Nai-Yuan Nicholas Chang, DDS Oregon Health and Science University Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Portland, OR
Cameron Lee, DMD, MD University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD
Jorge Autran Martinez, DDS University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto RicoAADOCR 2023 Annual Meeting | March 15-18, 2023 Portland, OR
AADOCR 2023 Annual Meeting | March 15-18, 2023 Portland, OR
Jeremie Oliver Piña University of Maryland School of Dentistry, Columbia, MD2023 Women in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Symposium | April 21-22, 2023, Ann Arbor, Michigan
2023 Women in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Symposium | April 21-22, 2023, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dasha Donado, DMD University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Lindsay Graves, DDS, MD UT Southwestern / Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas, TX
Jennifer Dolan, DDS, MD University of Florida Health Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Vinisha Ranna, DDS, MD The Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
AAOMS CSIOMS Conference - March 11-12, 2023, Rosemont, IL
AAOMS CSIOMS Conference - March 11-12, 2023, Rosemont, IL
Roger Lau, DDS Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
John M. Le, DDS, MD University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Spencer Regelson, DDS University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Dylan Peter Salem, DDS Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Philadelphia, PA104th AAOMS Annual Meeting | September 14-17, 2022, New Orleans, LA
104th AAOMS Annual Meeting | September 14-17, 2022, New Orleans, LA
Andrew Taliaferro, DDS Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Joel Rosenfeld, DMD The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY
Marc Generowicz Touro College of Dental Medicine, Hawthorne, NY
Jaykrishna Thakkar, DDS The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY
Jeffrey Pascal, DDS Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
Talal Beidas, DDS Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Sung Hyon Han, DMD Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Roger Lau, DDS Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Issa Kawas, DDS Howard University Hospital Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Washington, D.C.
Alexandra Zega, DMD Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Hannah Afwerke Lynch, DDS University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Jeffrey Quinn Taylor II, DMD Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Daniel Caruso, DDS, MD Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Alexandra Okula, DMD Indiana University, Bloomington, INAAOMS Clinical Trials Methods Course | May 4-6, 2022, Rosemont, IL
AAOMS Clinical Trials Methods Course | May 4-6, 2022, Rosemont, IL
MaryJane Anderson, DMD University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Ryan Kelm, DDS LSU Health Shreveport, Shreveport, LA
Jim Pichon, DDS LSU Health Shreveport, Shreveport, LA
Qi Rong Chen, DDS LSU Health Shreveport, Shreveport, LA
Joshua Lilly, DDS Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY
Tyler Horton, DMD University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
AADOCR 2022 Annual Meeting | March 21 - 26, Atlanta, GA
AADOCR 2022 Annual Meeting | March 21 - 26, Atlanta, GA
Jeremie D. Oliver, MS, MBA University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Osteo Science Foundation Meeting, "Regenerative Solutions To Common Problems" | February 18-19, 2022, Austin, TX
Osteo Science Foundation Meeting, "Regenerative Solutions To Common Problems" | February 18-19, 2022, Austin, TX
Jonathan Beker, DMD, MD Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LAJonathan Bensing, DMD Walter Reed, Bethesda, MD
Macey Cartrite, DDS, MD University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Edwin Eshaghzadeh, DDS, MD UC San Francisco, San Fransico, CA
Pooyan Sadr Eshkevari, DDS, MD University of Louisville, Louisville, KY
Marc Generowicz Tuoro College of Dental Medicine, Hawthorne, NY
Sung Yong Han, DMD, MD Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
David Hinkl, DMD University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Daniel Hyneman, DDS, MD Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Artem Krutyansky, DMD, MD Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Kyle A. Land, DDS San Antonio – Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, CA
Isaac Lowe, DDS Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
Brendan Matthews, DMD Allegheny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA
Meagan Miller, DDS Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA
Charles Williams, DMD University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
103rd AAOMS Annual Meeting | September 27 - October 2, 2021, Nashville TN
103rd AAOMS Annual Meeting | September 27 - October 2, 2021, Nashville TN
Rambod Abedini Christiana Health Care, Wilminton DE
Kelly Chuang Howard University, Betheasda, MD
Jeffrey Delgadilla Montefiore, Bronx, NY
Jaegak Kim Boston University Dental School, Brookline, MA
Daniel Kirkpatrick Allegany General, Pittsburg, PA
Rachel Lim University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Daniel Margolis University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansa City, MO
Brendan Matthews Allegany General, Pittsburg, PA
Kale Brent McMillan Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Krista Primley University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
David Roe Montefiore, Bronx, NY
Jose Sifuentes-Cervantes University of Puerto Rico, Guaynabo, PR
Luke Soletic, DDS, MD NYU langone Bellevue Hospital Center, New York, NY
Brett Spenrath University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Michael Theiss Virginia Commonwealth, Richmond, VAAAOMS Dental Implant Conference - December 5-7, 2019, Chicago, Illinois
AAOMS Dental Implant Conference - December 5-7, 2019, Chicago, Illinois
Natasha Bhalla, Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Hospital Center
Kiara Brown, Augusta, GA, Augusta University
Ashley Coffey, Bronx, NY, Montefiore OMS
Daniel Hawkins, Richmond, VA, Virginia Commonwealth Univeristy
James “Brian” Jackson, Oxford, MS, University of Mississippi101st AAOMS Annual Meeting – September 16-21, 2019, Boston, MA
101st AAOMS Annual Meeting – September 16-21, 2019, Boston, MA
John Full, Nalhalla, NJ, New York Medical College
Kevin Furmanek, New York, NY, NewYork Presbyterian/ColumbiaUniversity
Robert Hermann, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Brittany Howell, Chicago, IL, Loyola University Medical Center
Jason Leet, Minneapolis, MN, University of Minnesota
Ian Lehrer, East Meadow, NY, Nassau Medical Center NY
Jeffrey Marschall, Louisville, KY, University of Louisville
Wendall Mascarenhas, Montreal, Quebac, McGill-Canada
Paul Pamula, Chicago, Illinois, University of Illinois Chicago
Shouvik Ponnusamy, Chicago, Illinois, University of Illinois Chicago
Aarathi Rao, Minneapolis, MN, University of Minnesota
Justin Richer, Paterson, NJ, St. Josephs Medical Center NJ
Jonathan Rosenstein, Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Hospital Center
Eric Safranski, Chicago, IL, Loyola University Medical Center
Luke Soletic, New York, NY, NYU Langone Medical Center Bellevue
Matthew Streelman, Loma, Linda, CA, Loma Linda Univ
Ashley Tankersley, Oxford, MS, University of MississippiAAOMS CSIOMS Conference – April 26-28, 2019, Rosemont, IL
AAOMS CSIOMS Conference – April 26-28, 2019, Rosemont, IL
Kevin Lee, New York, NY, Columbia University
Nick Mechas, Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Hospital
Junaid Mundiya, Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Hospital Center
Sepideh Sabooree, Jacksonville, FL, University of FloridaAAOMS Resident Transitions into Practice Conference - February 2-3, 2019, Rosemont, IL
AAOMS Resident Transitions into Practice Conference - February 2-3, 2019, Rosemont, IL
Jungsuk Cho, New York, NY, New York Presbyterian Hospital
Emily King, Nashville, TN, Vanderbilt University
LiHan Lai, Seattle, WA, University of Washington
Alexandra Petraszko, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Health Jacksonville
Arathi Rao, St. Louis Park, MN, University of Minnesota School of Dentistry
Jeffrey Valenti, Philadelphia, PA, Thomas Jefferson Hospital
Brian Wolf, East Meadow, NY, Nassau University Medical Center
Daniel Yang, Dallas, TX, University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterAAOMS Dental Implant Conference - November 29-December 1, 2018, Chicago, Illinois
AAOMS Dental Implant Conference - November 29-December 1, 2018, Chicago, Illinois
Garrick Alex, Huntington, NY, Columbia University
Andrew Arango, San Antonio, TX, University of Texas Health Science Center
Joshua Barclay, Minneapolis, MN, University of Minnesota
Wade Barker, Dallas, TX, Texas A&M College of Dentistry
Joshua Bednar, Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic/Mayo Foundation
Abigail Estelle, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Health
Ilya Garibyan, Fair Lawn, NJ, St. Joseph’s University Medical Center
Matthew Green, East Meadow, NY, Nassau University Medical Center
Benjamin Heggestad, Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic/Mayo Foundation
Robert Hermann, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Nicole Hernandez, San Antonio, TX, University of Texas Health Science Center
Brittany Howell, Chicago, IL, Loyola University Chicago
Emily King, Nashville, TN, Vanderbilt University
Dmitriy Kravchenko, Orange, CT, Yale-New Haven Hospital
Choo-Soon Kua, Bronx, NY, Montefiore Medical
Anthony Lotesto, Charleston, SC, Medical University of South Carolina
Matthew Marshall, Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky
Eric Safranski, Forest Park, IL, Loyola University Chicago
Adam Samji, Bronx, NY, Montefiore Medical
Eric Silver, Brooklyn, NY, SUNY Downstate College of MedicineAAOMS Annual Meeting - October 8-13, 2018, Chicago, IL
AAOMS Annual Meeting - October 8-13, 2018, Chicago, IL
Omar AbdelBaky, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Maryam Akbari, New York, NY, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Matthew Burks, San Antonio, TX, University of Texas Health San Antonio
Evan Busby, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Jacksonville
Abigail Estelle, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Jacksonville
Scott Godwin, Pittsburgh, PA, Allegheny General Hospital
Christopher Niquette, New York, NY, New York Medical School
Jeffrey Paxman, Loma Linda, CA, Loma Linda University
Anastasiya Quimby, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Jacksonville
Pouya Vakilian, San Diego, CA, University of Texas Health Science CenterAAOMS Clinical Trials Methods Course – May 9-11, 2018, Rosemont, IL
AAOMS Clinical Trials Methods Course – May 9-11, 2018, Rosemont, IL
Maryam Akbari, New York, NY, The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Sam Bae, Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan
Junaid Mundiya, Brooklyn, NY, The Brooklyn Hospital Center
Stavan Patel, Shreveport, LA, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Payal Verma, Cincinnati, OH, University of Cincinnati Medical CenterAAOMS Resident Transitions into Practice - February 16-17, 2018, Rosemont, IL
AAOMS Resident Transitions into Practice - February 16-17, 2018, Rosemont, IL
Wade Barker, Dallas, TX, Texas A&M College of Dentistry
Laura Barunas, Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania
Matthew Burks, San Antonio, TX, University of Texas Health Science Center
James Choi, Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania
John Costandi, New York , NY, Columbia University/NY Presbyterian Hospital
Jorge del Valle, Dallas, TX, Parkland Memorial Hospital
Jeremy Edwards, Knoxville, TN, University of Tennessee Medical Center
Chijioke Eseonu, Hendersonville, TN, Meharry Medical College
Ross Fahey, Boston, MA, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
Corbin Gatlin, Shreveport, LA, Louisiana State University Health Science Center
Matthew Green, East Meadow, NY, Nassau University Medical Center
Sam Harouni, Atlanta, GA, Emory University
Diego Hurtado, Lexington, KY, Chandler Medical Center
Tony Kang, Cincinnati, OH, University of Cincinnati
Timothy Kunkle, New York , NY, Columbia University/ NY Presbyterian Hospital
Matt Lawler, Medford, MA, Harvard/Massachusetts General Hospital
Joseph Mort, Nashville, TN, Vanderbilt University
Brent Newby, Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky
Daniel Niemann, Los Angeles, CA, University of Southern California
Rodney Nishimoto, Seattle, WA, University of Washington
Neel Patel, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Jesse Ricciuti, New Haven, CT, Yale – New Haven Health
Matthew Ryskalczyk, Portland, OR, Oregon Health & Science University
Kelly Sayre, Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan
Keith Sonneveld, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Nova Southeastern University
Garrett Stigall, Dallas, TX, Texas A&M College of Dentistry99th Annual AAOMS Meeting - October 9-14, 2017, San Francisco, CA
99th Annual AAOMS Meeting - October 9-14, 2017, San Francisco, CA
Seth Brooks, Knoxville, TN, University of Tennessee Medical Center
Matthew Green, East Meadow, NY, Nassau University Medical Center
Gentry Hansen, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Omar Kholaki, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Chris Kragor, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Health Science Center
Nicholas Mueller, New York, NY, New York Medical College
Matthew Reiland, Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic/Mayo Foundation
Greg Shank, Washington, DC, Washington Hospital Center
Erik Ziegler, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh
Michelle Zoccolillo, New Orleans, LA, Louisiana State UniversityAAOMS CSIOMS Meeting - April 28-30, 2017, Rosemont, IL
AAOMS CSIOMS Meeting - April 28-30, 2017, Rosemont, IL
Mohammed Almandalawi, New York, NY, Harlem Hospital Center
Christen J. Boyer, Shreport, LA, Louisana State University Health Science Center
Jungsuk Cho, New York, NY, New York Presbyterian Hospital – Weill Cornell Campus
Steven Farnsworth, San Antonio, TX, University of Texas Health San Antonio
Rafaella Genova, Rochester, MI, University of Tennsee St. Thomas Hospitals
Matthew Green, East Meadow, NY, Nassau University Medical Center
Danny Hadayastrong>, Los Angeles, CA, University of California School of Dentistry
Tony Kang, Cincinnati, OH, University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Wallace McLaurin, Cincinnati, OH, University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Payal Verma, Cincinnati, OH, University of Cincinnati Medical Center98th AAOMS Annual Meeting - September 18-23, 2016 Las Vegas, NV
98th AAOMS Annual Meeting - September 18-23, 2016 Las Vegas, NV
Wade R. Barker, Dallas, TX, Baylor College of Dentistry
Peter C. Dennis, Portland, OR, Oregon Health & Science University
Jordan L. Diamond, Cincinnati, OH, University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Mark A. Green, Boston, MA, Massachusetts General Hospital
Christopher H. Kragor, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Health Science Center
Marek J. Ogledzki, Jacksonville, FL, University of Florida Health Science Center
Daniel C. Reece, Clevland, OH, Case Western Reserve University
Michael C. Shapiro, Boston, MA, Boston University
Brett M. Shigley, Charleston, SC, Medical University of South Carolina
Amanda L. Steen, Cincinnati, OH, University of Cincinnati Medical CenterAAOMS Clinical Trials Methods Course - May 11-13, 2016 Ann Arbor, MI
AAOMS Clinical Trials Methods Course - May 11-13, 2016 Ann Arbor, MI
Scott Claiborne, Farmington, CT, University of Connecticut Health Center
Lindsay Graves, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
David Greenman, New York, NY, Kings County Hospital
Robert Johnson, Medford, MA, Harvard/Massachusetts General Hospital
Kevin Lee, New York, NY, New York – Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University
Meagan Miller, Loma Linda, CA, Loma Linda University
Elizabeth Orsini, San Juan, PR, University of Puerto Rico
Ketan Patel, College Park, MD, University of Maryland
Marwa Ragaey, Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky
Gwendolyn Reeve, Washington DC, Washington Hospital Center97th AAOMS Annual Meeting - September 28 - October 3, 2015 Washington, DC
97th AAOMS Annual Meeting - September 28 - October 3, 2015 Washington, DC
Mohammed M Al-Obaidi, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Michael G Barber, West Henrietta, NY, University of Rochester
Thomas F Burk, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Avi Feygin, New York, NY, Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center
Matthew N Gayheart, Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky
James B Han, Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic/Mayo Foundation
David J Hoffman, Lexington, KY, University of Kentucky
Curtis J Holmes, Brooklyn, NY, The Brooklyn Hospital Center
Katrina L Kontaxis, Hamden, CT, Lowell General Hospital
Derek Miller, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Hwi Moon, Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania
Michael Nagai, Buffalo, NY, University of Buffalo
Stacey M Nedrud, Jacksonville, FL, Univeristy of Florida Health Science Center
Nas Sediqi, Buffalo, NY, SUNY Buffalo General Practice
Stephanie N Zastrow, Augusta, GA, Georgia Regents UniversityAAOMS Research and Education Conference - May 6-9, 2015 Rosemont, IL
AAOMS Research and Education Conference - May 6-9, 2015 Rosemont, IL
Payam Afzali, Los Angeles, CA, University of California
Michael Barber, West Henrietta, NY, University of Rochester
Ehlie Bruno, Indianapolis, IN, Indiana University Hospital
Thomas Burk, Dallas, TX, University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center
Mark Green, Boston, MA, Massachusetts General Hospital
James Han, Rochester, MN, Mayo Clinic/Mayo Foundation
Andrew Hanna, San Antonio, TX, University of Texas Health Science Center
Nikolay Levintov, Cleveland, OH, Case Western Reserve University
Lauren Lunday, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Nova Southeastern University
Melissa Moutray, Omaha, NE, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jeffrey Nguyen, Hartford, CT, University of Connecticut
Pasha Shakoor, Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania
Porchia Willis, Nashville, TN, Meharry Medical College
Felix Yip, Los Angeles, CA, University of Southern California -
Current Opportunities
Apply now for a Resident Travel Awards to attend the ICOMS 2025 meeting in Singapore
Application Opens: January 13
Deadline to Apply: March 17
Notification date: March 21Apply now for a $1,000 travel award to attend the ICOMS 2025. The International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (IAOMS) is proud to host this meeting in the heart of a world-class destination, Singapore. ICOMS 2025 advances the oral and maxillofacial surgery specialty by supporting OMF surgeons, elevating awareness of OMFS suppliers and innovations, facilitating valuable connections, and advancing the profession overall. (See here for more info on the meeting, including registration).
May 22-25, 2025
Sands Expo and Convention Centre
Singapore -
Purpose of the Award
Provide financial assistance to participate in an event, conference, or educational opportunity that otherwise would not be possible to attend.
Eligibility of the Applicants
Residents currently in training are eligible for travel awards, unless specified otherwise.
Applicants must have support from the program director to allow time away to attend the course. A short letter from the Program Director is required in order to demonstrate the Program Director’s support, and will be required as part of the application.
Applicants must provide a written statement, as part of the application, summarizing qualifications for receiving the scholarship and what he/she hopes to obtain by attending the course.
Applicants must provide a current CV.
Applicants must reside in US or Canada.
Residents who are receiving funding from other sources – with the the exception of departmental funding from the residency program – are ineligible to receive an Osteo Science Foundation Travel Award. Should the resident accept a Travel Award from another organization or funding source, the resident will be ineligible for the Osteo Science Foundation Travel Award and will not receive reimbursement.
Conditions of the Award
The award will be provided as a reimbursement for course expenses (registration, airfare, and hotel) up to $1,000. Reimbursement requests, including receipts, must be submitted within 30 days following the conclusion of the course. A form will be provided to travel award recipients at the conclusion of the course.
Recipient is responsible for registering him or herself for the course and for making all travel arrangements.
The recipient must submit a video summary of something he/she learned during the course within 30 days following the course to be used on OSF’s social media. Alternately, a photo and written summary may be submitted. The application documents and summaries will become the property of OSF.
Application Procedures & Dates
Resident Travel Awards to attend the AAOMS Clinical Trials Methods Course
Deadline to Apply: January 8
Notification Date: January 13
Selection Criteria
OSF will, at its sole discretion, select the award recipients.
The applications will be evaluated and prioritized based on the following criteria:
Whether the applicant
- receives departmental funding to attend
- is a chief
- has attended this event previously
- has received Osteo Science Foundation travel award funding in the past
Apply Now
Osteo Science Foundation
475 Wall Street
Princeton, NJ 08540
855-891-2877 Toll Free
Osteo Science Foundation is an independent, privately funded 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. | PRIVACY POLICY