Michael Detamore, PhD
Michael Detamore, PhD is the Director of Translational Medicine Institute and Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at Colorado State University. Prior to his appointments at CSU he was the Founding Director, Professor, and Stephenson Chair #1 of the Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma from July 2016 – June 2024. He is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and the Coulter Foundation Translational Research Award, and was a Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor at NUI Galway in Ireland in 2011. His primary research interest is regenerative medicine, including biomaterials and stem cells. Regenerative medicine efforts include nerve regeneration, but focus primarily on bone and cartilage regeneration, including the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), knee, cranium, and trachea, with a particular focus on translational regenerative medicine.
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